Save the Planet Kill Yourself

Save the Planet Kill Yourself

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We Must Not Repeat History

Euthanasia can seem like one of the most logical things to do if you are given the right situation. However, in the hands of some individuals euthanasia could go down a road that leads to terror and mass murder if it uncontrolled. With the way the world is going right now it would be smart not to put your life in the hands of medical personnel who may think you are a burden because you cost too much money. They may kill you just to free up more money for those people that they think need it more. We don’t want to fall onto the path of genocide like Germany. The Nazis stressed that there comes a point where there is such a thing as a life not worthy to be lived. At first the Nazis only killed the sick and disabled. Eventually the Nazis went a little crazy and ended any life they considered imperfect. The ancient Greeks often killed infants and ill people because they thought their lives were not worth living. Who is the person that determines whether a life us not worth to continue on? The slippery slope debate will always fight euthanasia and protect us from unwanted death. (Singer.)
Since assisted suicide became legal in some parts of the United States, it is our duty as citizens of the greatest country in the world, to stop euthanasia. We need to not only stop the spread of euthanasia but get rid of it where it is legal. We must learn from history and not repeat it. Euthanasia can quickly turn into something dark and unwanted. (Euthanasia)

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